01. What It Takes

To graduate, you need to pass every project.

The videos, text lessons and quizzes are recommended but optional.

We know from survey and behavioral data that graduating depends primarily on your commitment and your persistence.

But at some point, you will get stuck. Doubt can set in.

What you choose to do when this happens is what separates successful online learners from others.

Don’t panic. Don’t quit. Be patient, and work the problem.

Remember that you will encounter many of the same problems as everyone else.

We are here to help, and so are your classmates.

When you are stuck, or looking for encouragement, you’ll find Udacity mentors and other students pushing you to graduation.

The most important feedback you get from mentors will be directly from your project reviews.

You will also find mentors, classmates and alumni on two platforms to get unblocked fast: Knowledge for searchable, upvoted Q&A, and Student Hub for real time collaboration.